Orhon, B.E., Belek, H.T.
Internoise 2010
Sound quality has become an important factor in gaining market advantage especially inhousehold appliances. In the present study; the sound quality of different washing machinesare determined by constructing a mathematical model through the relationship betweenobjective and subjective aspects of sound quality. This relationship is then extended toinclude the key design parameters. Eight different washing machine models are selected andpsycho-acoustic metrics are determined using sound quality software. This data is thenprocessed by principal components analysis and reduced to a fewer number of variableswhich still can describe the quality of the sound. Meanwhile, a jury test is conducted withtwelve jurors to determine the subjective ratings of the sounds. Then the objective metricsare correlated with the subjective jury tests by linear regression technique to obtain amathematical model. Graphical methods are used to demonstrate suitable characteristics ofsounds that correspond to working stages such as “water intake”, “washing” and “spinextraction” as perceived by the jurors. Finally, the effect of a key design parameter on thesound quality is investigated by using dampers with different characteristics on the samewashing machine. The recorded sound samples are processed by our mathematical modelto obtain the influence of design modifications on the subjective and objective parameters of sound.
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